2-Week FB Abs Challenge for a Strong Core

Program Details

  • Length: 4 Weeks
  • Monday: Lower Body Circuit Sets
  • Tuesday: Upper Body Circuit Sets
  • Wednesday: Cardio Stretch
  • Thursday: Full-Body Circuit Sets
  • Friday: Abs Circuit Sets
  • Saturday and Sunday: Rest

The Ultimate Guide to Fitness


This program integrates all the key exercises for burning fat and building lean muscle. These workouts are all high-intensity training exercises: alternating between bursts of intense movement followed by less intense recovery periods. Each session is no more than 20-30 minutes long so you have no excuse for not being able to squeeze this into your schedule!

Table of contents


Do you want to look slim, toned, and fit?

The mind-numbing will power, dedication, and self-control needed to regularly go to the gym, in order to achieve your ideal body, may seem intense. Some are even willing to spend $100’s a week to hire a personal trainer to help guide them to their goals.

Well lucky for you, you’re getting a free personal trainer to coach and guide you through your weight loss journey. I’m here to help maximize and get you the most out of your dieting efforts.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Anna Georgio, a personal trainer and health nutritionist in the fitness industry for over 15 years. I’ve helped and catered to over thousands of different women around the world. Dieting is hard; I’m here to make it easier. You have what it takes to get your dream body and I want to show you so you can see it for yourself.

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.”

Many women worry that training with weights will somehow transform them into Hulk-ettes, so they spend hours doing cardio in order to maintain their "feminine" figure. The truth is, women don’t have the same hormonal support like men do. The hormone testosterone is responsible for large increases in muscle mass. Women's testosterone levels are a fraction of men's. That means you can bench press without concerning yourself about how much chest hair you might grow.


*Buy this item to unlock access to the full workout.